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Usher of the Black Rod

The Usher of the Black Rod is a senior parliamentary officer appointed by Order in Council. The Black Rod, as the Usher is known to senators, is a senior protocol officer in Parliament and a floor officer of the Senate.


The name Usher of the Black Rod comes from the ebony cane that Black Rod carries as a symbol of authority. Under a 600-year-old parliamentary tradition, the Black Rod is the personal attendant and messenger of the Sovereign or the Sovereign’s representative when either is in Parliament.

Role and Responsibilities

TThe Usher of the Black Rod is the most senior protocol officer in the Parliament of Canada. The Usher’s responsibilities include: serving as the personal attendant and messenger of Her Majesty The Queen and the Governor General of Canada when either is in Parliament; leading the daily Senate Speaker’s Parade; and directing all logistical, protocol and administrative details relating to official Parliament of Canada ceremonies, such as the opening of Parliament, the Speech from the Throne and Royal Assent.

Greg Peters

Superintendent J. Greg Peters
Superintendent J. Greg Peters
A native of Souris West, Prince Edward Island, Superintendent J. Greg Peters has spent the greater part of his professional career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). He began general duty policing in Manitoba in 1982 and later pursued his passion for horses by becoming a rider with the RCMP Musical Ride, touring across Canada, the United States and Europe.

In recent years, Mr. Peters has held management positions promoting the protection and preservation of the RCMP’s history and heritage. He is intimately familiar with ceremonial and protocol issues, managing major events and developing key partnerships. He served as the RCMP Diamond Jubilee Contingent Commander in the United Kingdom for the Diamond Jubilee Pageant and the historic Mounting of The Queen's Life Guard. Mr. Peters holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Ottawa.

Among other Canadian honours held by Mr. Peters is his recent appointment as a Member of the Royal Victorian Order by Her Majesty The Queen.

SOURCE: Senate of Canada.

See also
Former Ushers of the Black Rod

External Links
Senate of Canada Official Website
Usher of the Black Rod Official Website

Copyright Craig I.W. Marlatt