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Former Deputy Speakers of the House of Commons

The Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole and the other Presiding Officers are now vested with all the legal powers of the Speaker when he or she is absent from the House as set out in the Parliament of Canada Act and in the Standing Orders of the House.

The primary roles of the Deputy Speaker and the other Presiding Officers are to support the Speaker in the Chamber in presiding over the business of the House, to take the Chair when the House sits as a Committee of the Whole and, on occasion, to chair legislative committees. In addition, the Deputy Speaker has certain administrative responsibilities. The Deputy Speaker usually serves on the Board of Internal Economy and is a member of the Executive Committee. When the House forms itself into a Committee of the Whole, it is the duty of the Chairman of Committees of the Whole to take the Chair.


Dates of OfficeDeputy SpeakerPolitical Affiliation
1885.02.10 - 1887.01.15 Malachy DalyLiberal-Conservative
1887.05.11 - 1889.11.27 Charles ColbyLiberal-Conservative
1890.01.21 - 1891.05.21 John WoodLiberal-Conservative
1891.05.22 - 1896.04.24 J.G.H. BergeronConservative
1896.08.27 - 1900.10.09 Louis-Philippe BrodeurLiberal
1901.02.11 - 1904.09.29 Peter MacDonaldLiberal
1905.01.16 - 1908.09.17 Charles MarcilLiberal
1909.01.25 - 1911.07.29 Gilbert McIntyreLiberal
1911.11.29 - 1914.10.19 Pierre-Édouard BlondinConservative
1915.02.09 - 1916.01.11 Albert SévignyConservative
1916.02.03 - 1917.01.17 Edgar RhodesUnion Government
1917.02.01 - 1917.10.06 Joseph RainvilleConservative
1918.03.21 - 1921.10.04 George BoivinLiberal
1922.03.24 - 1925.09.05 George GordonLiberal
1926.03.16 - 1926.07.02 William DuffLiberal
1926.12.14 - 1930.05.30 John JohnstonLiberal
1930.09.09 - 1935.03.05 Armand LaVergneConservative
1935.03.11 - 1935.08.14 Raymond MorandConservative
1936.02.13 - 1940.01.25 Frederick SandersonLiberal
1940.05.21 - 1942.10.04 Thomas VienLiberal
1943.02.25 - 1945.04.16 Joseph-Arthur BradetteLiberal
1945.09.27 - 1949.04.30 William MacDonaldLiberal
1949.09.15 - 1952.04.08 Joseph-Alfred DionLiberal
1952.04.09 - 1953.06.13 Louis-René BeaudoinLiberal
1953.11.12 - 1957.04.12 William RobinsonLiberal
1957.10.14 - 1958.02.01 Henri CourtemancheProgressive Conservative
1958.05.12 - 1959.08.19 Pierre SévignyProgressive Conservative
1960.01.14 - 1961.12.27 Jacques FlynnProgressive Conservative
1962.01.18 - 1962.04.19 Paul MartineauProgressive Conservative
1962.09.27 - 1963.02.06 Gordon ChownProgressive Conservative
1963.05.16 - 1965.09.08 Lucien LamoureuxLiberal
1966.01.18 - 1968.04.23 Herman BattenLiberal
1968.09.12 - 1970.09.30 Hugh FaulknerLiberal
1970.10.05 - 1972.09.01 Russell HoneyLiberal
1973.01.04 - 1974.05.09 Robert McCleaveProgressive Conservative
1974.09.30 - 1979.12.14 Gérald LanielLiberal
1980.04.14 - 1984.01.15 Lloyd FrancisLiberal
1984.01.16 - 1984.07.09 Eymard CorbinLiberal
1984.11.05 - 1990.02.22 Marcel DanisProgressive Conservative
1990.01.15 - 1993.09.08 Andrée ChampagneProgressive Conservative
1994.01.18 - 1997.04.27 David KilgourLiberal
1997.09.23 - 2000.10.22 Peter MillikenLiberal
2001.01.30 - 2004.10.04 Bob KilgerLiberal
2004.10.05 - 2006.02.05 Chuck StrahlConservative
2006.04.05 - 2008.11.17The Honourable Bill BlaikieNew Democratic
2008.11.17 - 2011.06.02Andrew ScheerConservative
2011.06.02 - 2012.09.17Denise SavoieNew Democratic
2012.09.17 - 2015.12.04Joe ComartinNew Democratic
2015.12.04 - Bruce StantonConservative

SOURCE: Parliament of Canada.

See also
House of Commons
Speaker of the House of Commons
Former Speakers of the House of Commons
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
Leader of the Official Opposition

External Links
Speaker of the House of Commons Official Website

Copyright Craig I.W. Marlatt