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Geography of Canada - Applied
Geography of Canada - Academic
Environment & Resource Management
World Issues
Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis
Grade 12 University Preparation


  • In Global Connections, read Chapter 21 for related material to this lesson.
  • Sovereignty Slideshow
  • Sovereignty Handouts
  • Colonialism
    • Investigating Links Quiz
    • Colonialism Defined
    • The British Empire
    • Was Colonialism Good or Bad?
      • "Scars of Colonialism"
      • "Two Cheers for Colonialism"
  • Nationalism
    • What is Nationalism?
    • Separatist Movements
    • Sovereignty Issues in Quebec
    • Canadian Unity: The Calgary Initiative
      • Overview
      • The Calgary Declaration
      • Western Alienation
    • UFOs in the North
    • Scotland and Wales: Houses of their Own
      • Overview
      • A Sense of Culture
      • Braveheart: A Hollywood Hero
      • Cymru Nationalism
    • Border Terminology
    • The Canada-U.S. Border: A Solvable Problem
  • Recommended Reading
    • If Quebec Goes... by David Johnston
    • Nationalism Without Walls by Richard Gwyn