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Geography of Canada - Applied
Geography of Canada - Academic
Environment & Resource Management
World Issues
Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis
Grade 12 University Preparation

Quality of Life

  • In Global Connections, read Chapter 26 for related material to this lesson.
  • Quality of Life Slideshow
  • Quality of Life Handouts
  • Measuring Quality of Life
    • Indicators of Quality of Life
    • The Human Development Index
      • The Human Development Reports (.wmv video)
      • 2005 Human Development Index Rankings
      • Canada and the HDI
  • Human Rights
    • What’s Important to You?
    • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
      • List
      • Plain Language
    • Human Rights Agencies
      • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
      • Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)
      • Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC)
  • World Religions
    • Eastern Religions
    • Western Religions
    • Religious Conflicts
  • Recommended Reading
    • The Best Country - Why Canada Will Lead the Future by Satya Das
    • Navigating a New World: Canada's Global Future by The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy