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Geography of Canada - Applied
Geography of Canada - Academic
Environment & Resource Management
World Issues
Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis
Grade 12 University Preparation

People Moving

  • In Global Connections, read Chapters 8 and 9 for related material to this lesson.
  • People Moving Slideshow
  • People Moving Handouts
  • Migration
    • Definitions
    • Push & Pull Factors of Migration
    • Barriers to Migration
    • Effects of Migration
  • Refugees
    • Definitions
    • Why People Become Refugees
    • Where are Refugees Coming From?
    • Problems in the Camps
      • Design Your Own Refugee Camp
    • Famous Refugees
    • Refugees in Canada
      • Refugees in Canada Notes
      • Myths & Misconceptions about Refugees & Immigrants in Canada
    • The Right to Asylum
    • Journey of Hope
  • Urbanization
    • Urbanization Notes
    • Definitions
    • City Skylines
    • Effects of Urbanization
    • Model of Settlement Decline
    • City Profiles Assignment
      • Abidjan
      • Mumbai
      • Jakarta
      • Paris
      • Toronto
      • Tokyo
      • Tehran