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Geography of Canada - Applied
Geography of Canada - Academic
Environment & Resource Management
World Issues
Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis
Grade 12 University Preparation

Global Media

  • In Global Connections, read Chapters 1 and 2 for related material to this lesson.
  • Global Media Slideshow
  • Global Media Handouts
  • Information Highway
    • A Global Perspective
    • Bias in Maps
    • Measuring Your Perspective
  • Propaganda & Doublespeak
    • The Global Media
    • Manufacturing Consent
      • The Assault on Reason Reading Assignment
    • Media Truisms
    • Doublespeak
    • Military Propaganda
  • Television
    • Toxic Sludge is Good for You: The Public Relations Industry Unspun
    • Analyzing the News
  • Magazine
    • Geneocide in Sudan
      • "Tragedy in Sudan"
      • "Darfur Misery Has Complex Roots"
  • Newspaper
    • Reported: "Beslan School Reopens"
    • Analyzing Newspapers
  • Hollywood
  • Recommended Reading
    • Trivial Pursuit by Knowlton Nash
    • The Assault on Reason by Al Gore