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Turks & Caicos

The question of whether Canada would want to negotiate the transfer of Turks and Caicos Islands from a British to a Canadian protectorate was first studied by the Canadian government in 1974. The conclusion was that such a move would not be beneficial, and that Canada should not seek to change its boundaries.


The 1974 statement remains the government's position on this issue. There is no strong movement in any Caribbean state, including Turks and Caicos, to join Canada. The financial cost to Canada of administering, maintaining, defending and providing social programs to an island or group of islands is likely to outweigh revenue that could be generated from tourism or from corporate and income taxes. Furthermore, extension into the Caribbean could damage Canada's international relations by financially favouring a small number of people over their neighbours.

SOURCE: Louise Crosby, Caribbean Desk Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

See also
Canada and the Turks & Caicos: The Full Story
Facts About the Turks & Caicos - from the CIA World Fact Book
Provinces and Territories
Foreign Lands in Canada
Canadian Lands Abroad

External Links
A Place in the Sun - Times of the Islands
Canada's Caribbean Ambition - CBC News
Turks and Caicos Move to Join Canada - Canadian Content dot net
Home and Native Sand? - Toronto Sun
Turks & Caicos: Canada's Caribbean Paradise? - Caribbean Net News
Turks and Caicos links - Yahoo! Canada
Peter Goldring in Turks and Caicos to Explore Possibilities for an 11th Province of Canada
Turks & Caicos Tourism
Turks and Caicos Island Getaway
Lonely Planet's Guide to Turks and Caicos

Copyright Craig I.W. Marlatt