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There are thousands of wonderful books about Canada. Below are those owned by the author of this website and all reviews are from the jacket of the book itself or comments of the author of this website. Please send me suggestions for other books that should be included here and your own reviews of these or other publications.


Abley, Mark. The Ice Storm. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Incorporated, 1998.

    This book is a fascinating collection of photos from the devasting ice storm that hit eastern Ontario, southern Quebec, and the Maritimes in January 1998. Mark Abley has masterfully pieced together photos from many respected journalists and added inciteful captions and stories explaining this phenomenon. It has since been followed up with a book of stories sent in from individuals that lived through the storm.

Aitken, Kate. Kate Aitken's Canadian Cook Book. Toronto, ON: William Collins, Sons, & Company, Limited, 1965.

Armstrong, Alvin. The First 200 Years of Blenheim & South Harwich. Blenheim, ON: Blenheim News-Tribute, 1985.

Top Ten of Everything 1999 Ash, Russell. Top Ten of Everything 1999. Montreal, QC: The Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Limited, 1998.

    Russell Ash puts together excellent publications on the first, highest, and longest of everything imaginable. Clearly with a Canadian focus, the Top Ten series still include all major categories worldwide. The 2000 edition of this book is available with many new categories. Ash also produces other similar "best of" books.

Bennet, Doug and Tim Tiner. Up North. Markham, ON: Reed Books Canada, 1993.

    A bible of the wildlife of Ontario's cottage country. Excellent illustrations and photographs are accompanied by quick facts, detailed information, and maps showing all of the various plant and animal life of central and northern Ontario.

Berton, Pierre. Canada Under Seige. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1991.

Berton, Pierre. The Last Spike. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1971.

Berton, Pierre. The National Dream and The Last Spike (Abridged). Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1974.

Berton, Pierre. Revenge of the Tribes. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1991.

Bissel, Claude. Great Canadian Writing: A Century of Imagination. Toronto, ON: Canadian Centennial Publishing Company Limited, 1966.

Blanchard, James. Behind the Embassy Doors: Canada, Clinton, and Quebec. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Incorporated, 1998.

Bone, Robert M. The Geography of the Canadian North. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Boulton, Marsha. Just A Minute: Glimpses of Our Great Canadian Heritage. Toronto, ON: Little, Brown, and Company (Canada) Limited, 1994.

Egotists and Autocrats Bowering, George. Egotists and Autocrats: The Prime Ministers of Canada. Toronto, ON: Penguin Books Canada Limited, 1999.

    As the title suggests, a not-so-serious look at our nation's leaders. George Bowering provides the reader with an incredible detailed account of each prime minister's time in office without the verbiage of academia!

Brereton, Lieutenant-Colonel F.S. How Canada Was Won: A Tale of Wolfe & Quebec. London: Blackie and Son Limited.

Brown, Craig. The Illustrated History of Canada. Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books Limited, 2000.

Brown, George W. Building the Canadian Nation. Toronto, ON: J.M. Dent & Sons (Canada) Limited, 1942.

Brown, George W. et al. Canada and the Commonwealth. Toronto, ON: J.M. Dent & Sons (Canada) Limited, 1953.

Canada Post Corporation. Canada Stamps and Stories. Scott Publishing Canada, Limited, 1972.

Canadian Home Economics Association. The Laura Secord Canadian Cook Book. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Limited, 1966.

Careless, J.M.S. Canada: A Story of Challenge. Toronto, ON: The MacMillan Company of Canada, 1988.

Cass-Beggs, Barbara. Canadian Folk Songs for the Young. Vancouver, BC: J.J. Douglas Limited, 1975.

Casselman, Bill. Canadian Food Words. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Company.

Casselman, Bill. Canadian Garden Words. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Company, 1997.

Casselman, Bill. Canadian Sayings. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Company, 1999.

Casselman, Bill. Canadian Sayings 2. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Company, 2002.

Casselman, Bill. Casselman's Canadian Words. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Company.

Casselman, Bill. Casselmania: More Wacky Canadian Words & Sayings. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Company.

Casselman, Bill. What's In A Canadian Name?. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Company.

CDG Books Canada Incorporated. Canadian Global Almanac 2000. Toronto, ON: Macmillan Canada, 1999.

    A must have for anyone with an interest in Canadian statistics. The company updates this publication each year with historical, governmental, economic, athletic, entertainment, and other Canadian highlights. It also has a great world section with basic information on all of the nations of the world.

Champion, Isabel. Markham: 1793-1900. Markham, ON: Markham Historical Society, 1979.

Choquette, Robert. Ontario: An Informal History of the Land and Its People. Toronto, ON: Ontario Ministry of Education and Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1983.

Straight From the Heart Chrétien, Jean. Straight From the Heart. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart - Bantam Limited, 1985.

    Canada's eventual twentieth prime minister writes his autobiography just after losing the Liberal leadership race to John Turner in 1984. Chrétien spent the next seven years after writing this book in the private sector before returning to lead the Liberal party to a majority government in 1993. Hopefully Chrétien will write volume 2 upon his second retirement telling us about his time as prime minister.

Clarkson, Stephen and Christina McCall. Trudeau and Our Times: The Magnificent Obsession. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Incorporated, 1990.

    Clarkson and McCall spent over six years on this two volume work, pulling together an incredibly comprehensive look at Canada's second longest serving prime minister. Canada saw incredible change during his time in office (1968 to 1984) highlighted, of course, by the patriation of Canada's constitution in 1982. This first book focuses on the events surrounding this feat.

Clarkson, Stephen and Christina McCall. Trudeau and Our Times: The Heroic Delusion. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Incorporated, 1994.

Colombo, John Robert. The Toronto Puzzle Book. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Limited, 1984.

Côté, Marcel and David Johnston. If Quebec Goes..... Toronto, ON: Stoddart Publishing Company Limited, 1995.

    An excellent analysis of the probable consequences of Quebec separating from Canada. It thoroughly explains the detrimental economic and social consequences of such an action and backs up all of its conclusions with detailed statistics.

Creighton, Donald. Canada's First Century. Toronto, ON: Macmillan Company of Canada Limited, 1970.

Czolowski, Ted and Sylvia Skeldon. Toronto Calling. Toronto, ON: Lawson Graphics Pacific Limited, 1976.

Expo Souvenirs. Expo 86: A Pictorial Souvenir. Richmond, BC: Natural Color Productions, 1986.

Fighting for Canada Francis, Diane. Fighting for Canada. Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 1996.

    This book begins where our country nearly ended: with the October 1995 referendum. After the dangerously close outcome of that vote, Diane Drancis pledged to become Lucien Bouchard's worst nightmare. Now, with this passionate and sometimes inflammatory book, she has succeeded. This impassioned book is Francis's call-to-action. There's a war on, she declares, and Canada is worth fighting for.

Francis, Dick. The Edge. Markham, ON: Penguin Books Canada Limited, 1988. - Fiction

Frayne, Trent and Peter Gzowski. Great Canadian Sports Stories: A Century of Competition. Toronto, ON: Canadian Centennial Publishing Company Limited, 1965.

Gillmor, Don and Pierre Turgeon. Canada: A People's History: Volume One. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Limited, 2000. The Canada Trip Gordon, Charles. The Canada Trip. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Incorporated, 1997.

    Charles Gordon and his wife decided to take the family car across Canada. They drove from Ottawa east to St. John's, all the way west to Victoria, then back again. If you've always wanted to take a cross-Canada trip, reading this book is the next best thing. This is a great coffee table book that is very entertaining yet informative of all the regions of the country.

Granatstein, J.L. and Norman Hillmer. Prime Ministers: Ranking Canada's Leaders. Toronto, ON: Harper Collins Publishers Limited, 1999.

Gray, Charlotte. Mrs. King. Toronto, ON: Penguin Books Canada Limited, 1997.

Gray, Charlotte. Sisters in the Wilderness: The Lives of Susanna Moodie and Chatharine Parr Traill. Toronto, ON: Penguin Books Canada Limited, 1999.

Canadian Biography Hancock, Pat. Canadian Biography for Young Readers: Early Canada. Toronto, ON: Penguin Books Canada Limited, 1999.

Hancock, Pat. Crazy Canadian Trivia. Markham, ON: Scholastic Canada Limited, 2000.

Harney, Robert F. Polyphony: Toronto's People. Toronto, ON: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1984.

Head, Ivan and Pierre Trudeau. The Canadian Way. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Incorporated, 1995.

Hehner, Barbara. The Spirit of Canada. Toronto, ON: Malcolm Lester Books, 1999.

Hillmer, Norman. The Atlas of Canada and the World. Toronto, ON: Whitecap Books, 1999.

Hou, Charles and Cynthia Hou. Great Canadian Political Cartoons, 1820-1914. Vancouver, BC: Moody's Lookout Press, 1997.

House of Commons, Canada. The Parliament Buildings. Vancouver, BC: Lawson Graphics Pacific Limited, 1982 Jackes, Lyman B. Tales of North Toronto: Volume Two. Toronto, ON: Canadian Historical Press.

Kearney, Mark and Randy Ray. The Ontario Fact Book. Toronto, ON: Whitecap Books, 2000.

King, Paul et al. The CN Tower. Toronto, ON: The Toronto Star, 1976.

Canada:  Our Century Kingwell, Mark and Christopher Moore. Canada: Our Century. Toronto, ON: Doubleday Canada, 1999.

Langton, Anne. A Gentlewoman in Upper Canada Toronto, ON: Clarke, Irwin, and Company Limited, 1950.

Leacock, Stephen. Canada: The Foundations of Its Future. Montreal, QC: The House of Seagram Limited, 1941.

Lunn, Janet and Christopher Moore. The Story of Canada. Toronto, ON: Lester Publishing Limited and Key Porter Books Limited, 1992.

MacLennan, Hugh. The Colour of Canada. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Limited, 1972.

Macfarlane, David. The Danger Tree. Toronto, ON: Macfarlane, Walter, & Ross, 1991.

Chrétien Martin, Lawrence. Chrétien (Volume 1). Toronto, ON: Lester Publishing Limited, 1995.

    Of Jean Chrétien it has often been said that what you see is what you get. But as this book demonstrates, nothing could be further from the truth. Jean Chrétien is a private man with a past well hidden. This Volume 1 subtitled "The Will to Win" tells this man's astonishing story in intriguing and incomparable detail, from his days playing hockey on the streets of small-town Quebec to his triumphant return to public life.

Martinez, Buck. From Worst to First: The Toronto Blue Jays in 1985. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, 1985.

Mason, Philip. Upper Canada Village and Old Fort Henry. Niagara Falls, ON: TravelPic Publications, 1980.

Matthews, Geoffrey J. and Robert Morrow, Jr. Canada and the World. Toronto, ON: Prentice-Hall Canada Incorporated, 1985.

McConnell, Barbara and Michael Odesse. Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press, 1980.

Poisoned Chalice McLaughlin, David. Poisoned Chalice. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 1994.

    This book chronicles the fateful end of the federal Progressive Conservative government in Ottawa. The party sought to remake itself by choosing the first woman prime minister in Canadian history, but failed to heed the lessons of Meech or Charlottetown. Their strategy nearly worked. By the time the election was called, the Tories were neck and neck with Jean Chrétien's Liberals. Then it all fell apart.

Montgomery, Lucy Maud. Anne of Green Gables. New York, NY: L.C. Page & Company, 1964. - Fiction

Moore, Brian. Canada. New York, NY: Time Incorporated, 1963.

Morton, Desmond. A Short History of Canada. Edmonton, AB: Hurtig Publishers, 1983.

Nader, Ralph. Canada Firsts. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart Incorporated, 1992.

Nash, Knowlton. Kennedy & Diefenbaker: The Feud that Helped Topple a Government. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Incorporated, 1991.

National Geographic Society. Exploring Canada from Sea to Sea. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 1971.

Neering, Rosemary. Louis Riel. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, 1999.

Nelson, George E. et al. Northern Lights. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company Incorporated, 1960. - Fiction

Newman, Peter C. et al. My Toronto. Toronto, ON: Macmillan Company of Canada Limited, 1970.

Nicol, Eric and Peter Whalley. An Uninhibited History of Canada. Toronto, ON: Musson Book Company, 1965.

Nostbakken, Janis and Jack Humphrey. The Canadian Inventions Book. Toronto, ON: Greey de Pencier Publications, 1976.

O'Byrne, Lorraine. What Is It? A Gallery of Historic Phrases. Guelph, ON: Boston Mills Press, 1977.

Ondaatje, Christopher and Robert Catherwood. The Prime Ministers of Canada. Toronto, ON: Miller Publishing, 1967.

Otherwise Inc. Editions. Trudeau Albums. Toronto, ON: Penguin Books Limited, 2000.

The Life Paikin, Steve. The Life. Toronto, ON: Penguin Canada, 2001.

Patterson, J.H. North America. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Pearson, Lester B. Mike: The Memoirs of The Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson, PC, CC, OM, OBE, MA, LLD (Volume 2, 1948-1957). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1973.

Pelletier, Jean and Claude Adams. The Canadian Caper: The Inside Story of the Daring Canadian Rescue of Six American Diplomats Trapped in Iran. Markham, ON: PaperJacks Limited, 1981.

Phillips, David. The Day Niagara Falls Ran Dry. Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 1993.

Pocket Criminal Code 1996. Scarborough, ON: Thomson Canada Limited, 1995.

Rae, Arlene Perly. Everybody's Favourites. Toronto, ON: Penguin Books Limited, 1997.

Rand McNally. Road Atlas. Stokie, IL: Rand McNally & Company, 1997.

The Canadian 100 Rawlinson, H. Graham and J.L. Granatstein. The Canadian 100. Toronto, ON: Little, Brown, and Company (Canada) Limited, 1997.

Reader's Digest. Atlas of Canada. Montreal, QC: The Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Limited, 1981.

Reader's Digest. Canada: This Land, These People. Montreal, QC: The Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Limited, 1968.

Reader's Digest. The Beauty and Splendor of North America. Montreal, QC: The Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Limited, 1995.

Reader's Digest. Guide to Places of the World. London, ON: The Reader's Digest Association Limited, 1995.

Reader's Digest. Heritage of Canada: Our Storied Past - and Where to Find It. Montreal, QC: The Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Limited, 1978.

Shapiro, Linda. Yesterday's Toronto. Toronto, ON: Walterlane Editions, 1997.

Skeoch, Eric. Life in New France. Toronto, ON: Grolier Limited, 1980.

Slaight, Annabel. Exploring Toronto. Toronto, ON: Architecture Canada, 1972.

Grey Owl Smith, Donald B. From the Land of Shadows: The Making of Grey Owl. Saskatoon, SK: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1990.

    Grey Owl was born Archibald Stansfeld Belaney in 1888, in Hastings, England. He died in 1938 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, renowned as the North American Indian conservationist Grey Owl. Donald Smith vividly portrays the transformation of a lonely British schoolboy into a fierce protector of wildlife, a popular author and lecturer, and an enormously successful impostor who played the part of an Indian with dramatic flourish.

Smucker, Barbara. Amish Adventure. Markham, ON: Penguin Books Limited, 1984.

Smucker, Barbara. Underground to Canada. Markham, ON: Penguin Books Limited, 1985.

Southam Inc. The Life, Times, and Passing of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 2000.

You Can't Do That in Canada! Spencer, Bev. You Can't Do That in Canada! Markham, ON: Scholastic Canada Incorporated, 2000.

Spigelman, Martin. Wilfrid Laurier. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, 2000.

Stacey, C.P. A Very Double Life. Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada, 1976.

Stefaniuk, Walter. You Asked Us.... About Canada. Toronto, ON: Doubleday Canada, 1996.

Stevens, Gerald. In a Canadian Attic. Toronto, ON: Ryerson Press, 1963.

Stewart, Francie et al. A Taste of Canada. London, ON: London Free Press Printing Company Limited, 1976.

Sir John A. Macdonald Swainson, Donald. Sir John A. Macdonald. Kingston, ON: Quarry Press, Incorporated, 1989.

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott. Against the Current. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Incorporated, 1996.

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott. The Essential Trudeau. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Incorporated, 1998.

Memoirs Trudeau, Pierre Elliott. Memoirs. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart Incorporated, 1993.

Tummon, Jeanie. Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons: 1639-1649. Toronto, ON: Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Recreation, 1996.

Copyright Craig I.W. Marlatt